September 30, 2021

Know About Biology- Plant Morphology for UPSC and Competitive Exams


Biology is the most important of all core science subjects.

Morphology means the study of forms and features of different parts of plants like leaves, roots, flower etc.

In this article we will learn about






·This group of plant lacks xylem and phloem.

·They also lack roots, stem and leaves. Thus, water transportation takes place through parenchyma.


·This group of plants is found in wet places like forests and mountains.

·Plants have stem, roots and leaves.

·Examples: Ferns, Mosses

Phanerogamous Plant

·Plants of this group are well developed.

·They have roots, stem and leaves.

·Xylem and phloem are also well developed.

·It is further divided into two types:


·Trees and bushes form this group.

·Plants are woody, perennial and tall.

·The plant has naked seeds.


·Roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are fully developed.

·The seeds are found inside the fruits.

·For example: Wheat, Lemon and potato etc.

Root System in Plants

·The absorption of water occurs through roots by diffusion, osmosis and other processes.

·The root develops from radicle.

·Root Hair: Water is absorbed from the soil by the root hair. The hair system of the roots is unicellular outgrowth of roots.

·The process by which these root hairs (hydrophilic substance) absorb water is called as imbibition.

·It helps in absorbing nutrients, water and moisture from the soil.


Two types of roots are:

1. Tap Root

·The main root with minor side roots grow deep into the soil is called taproot.

·It arises from the radicle of the plants.

·It occurs in dicots plants.

·For example: in Trees, shrubs and plants. Carrot, Reddish etc.

2. Adventitious Root

·The fine, thick hair like structure of root that spread sideways in all the direction is called adventitious root.

·It is also called fibrous root.

·It grows from the stem and leaves and not from the radicle.

·It occurs in monocots.

·For example: in Grasses, Onion etc.


Flower is the reproductive part of the plant.

The following are the parts of flower:





Two types of reproduction take place through flowers:

·Asexual Reproduction: Plant gives rise to new plant without seeds.

·Sexual Reproduction: Seeds give rise to new plants.

Stamens are the male reproductive part of the plant.

Pistil is the female reproductive part of the plant.

There are two types of flowers based on presence of stamen and pistil:

·Unisexual Flowers: Flowers which contain either only stamens or only pistil. For example, corn and papaya.

·Bisexual Flowers: Flowers which contain both stamen and pistil. For example, mustard, rose and others.


·Male gametes: Anther contains pollen grains which produce male gamete.

·Female gamete: Ovary contains one or more ovules. Female gamete is formed in an ovule.

·The fusion of male gamete and the female gamete is called fertilisation.

·Fertilised egg is called zygote. Zygote develops into embryo.


·The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower is called pollination.

·Self-pollination: If the pollen lands on the stigma of the flower or another flower of the same plant.

·Cross-pollination: When the pollen of a flower lands on the stigma of flower of different plant of same kind.

Fruit and Seed Formation

After fertilisation, the ovary grows into a fruit and other parts of the flower fall off.

The fruit is the ripened ovary. Fruit implies the edible part of the plant.

Four types of fruits on the arrangement are:

·Simple fruit: It develops from single ovary of a single flower and may be fleshy or dry. For example, tomato, banana.

·Aggregate fruit: It consists of a mass of small drupes each of which develop from separate ovary of a single flower. For example: raspberry and strawberry.

·Composite fruit: It develops from the ovaries of many flowers growing in a cluster. For example, Jackfruit and Pineapple.

·Accessory fruit: It contains tissue derived from plant parts other than the ovary. For example, Apple and pear.

The seed develops from the ovules.

The seed contains an embryo which is enclosed in a protective seed coat. Seed coat is the outer part of the seed. For example, mango seed has white colour seed coat, if you break it up, you will find seeds inside it.


Is Almond a fruit of seed?


Seed dispersal

·Seed dispersal is aided by wind, water and animals.

·Seed dispersal help the plants to:

1.Prevent overcrowding

2.Avoid competition for sunlight, water and minerals.

3.Invade new habitats.


·Stem is the growing part of the plant. It is erect, strong and grows away from the soil and towards the light.

·Leaves and branches arise from nodes.

·Stems are divided into different regions between the nodes.

·Apical bud: It is the growing apex of the stem is covered by numerous, tiny, developing leaves.

Functions of Stem:

·To support and hold leaves flowers and fruits.

·It conducts the water and minerals from roots to leaves and fruits.

·It also helps in storing food.

·It also helps in process of Photosynthesis.

Three types of Stem:

Underground Stem:

·Stems remain in the ground.

·They produce aerial shoots annually.

·Some of the forms are:

·Tuber – ex. Potato

·Corm – ex. Saffron

·Bulb – ex. Onion

·Rhizome -- Ginger

Aerial Stem:

·Some of the forms are:

·Stem tendril – ex. Passiflora

·Pylloclade – ex. Duranta

Sub-aerial Stem:

·Some of the forms are:

·Runner – ex. Doob grass

·Stolon – ex. Jasmine


·It is green outgrowth from the stem.

·It is the primary sites for photosynthesis i.e. prepare food for the plant.

·Leaves are initiated in the apical bud (growing tip of a stem).

·Leaf of Aloe vera has liquid inside them.

·Leaves of cactus are modified into spines.

General science is a subject that is equally important as other subjects for the UPSC civil services exam. Generally, students from science or engineering backgrounds find this section easy, but candidates came from others background find this section a little tough. So the preparation strategies should be according to that to perform well in the competitive exams.

You can found more information from the best online education platforms and prepare well for the exams.

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September 26, 2021

Basic English Grammar for SSC Banking and Railway Exams


English is a subject of language. And like any other language, there are basic rules of grammar that needs to be followed while learning any language.

To learn English, the three basic requirements are:

Know the Basic Rules of the English Grammar

Learn as much vocabulary as possible.

Practice, practice and practice.

English language plays a very determining part in any government exam. If you’re aspiring for any such examination, you need to have a good command over English language.

In this course, we are going to build your concepts for a strong hold on English. And apart from that, we will provide a lot of questions for thorough practice.


It is a group of words that have meaning. Or it is a group of related words.

Example: in the corner;

On the roof;

In the room

To eat dinner


A clause is a group of related words that contains a subject and verb.

Independent clause – it is a complete sentence; can stand alone by itself.

Dependent (subordinate) clause– it expresses only a part of thought; it cannot stand alone as a sentence. It is a group of words that forms a part of a sentence and has a subject and a finite verb of its own.

How to find the type of Clause?

Clause can form a part of sentence or it could be a complete sentence in itself.

Example: Sita had a long career but she is remembered mainly for her early work.

The above sentence has 2 clauses.

Clause 1: Sita had a long career.

Clause 2: But she is remembered mainly for her early work.

Every sentence contains at least one main clause.

Main Clause: A main clause then may form a part of Complex or Compound sentences. But it also makes sense on its own.

Example: Varun was eating a hot dog.

Subordinate Clause: A subordinate clause depends on a main clause for its meaning.

**Together with main clause, a subordinate clause forms a part of a Complex sentence. **


A sentence is an independent clause that may or may not be combined with other clauses to convey a complete and sometimes complex thought. Or it is a group of words that has a definite meaning and contains a Subject and Finite verb.

Example: He is in the corner;

She is on the roof;

Father was in the room

Structure of Sentences

Simple Sentence

Compound Sentence: Two or more main clause connected using Coordinate Conjunctions.

Complex Sentence: Principal Clause is connected with one or more subordinate clause using subordinate conjunction.

How to find the ‘Subject’?

Verb + who? Will answer the Subject

How to find the ‘Object’?

Verb + What? Or Whom? Will answer the Object.

Generally, an Indirect object comes before a Direct object.

If a direct object comes before indirect object, then it is mandatory to put – ‘to’, ‘of’ or ‘for’ before Indirect object.

Types of Sentences



Subject + Verb + Object

Subject + Helping Verb + Main Verb + Object


Subject + Helping Verb + Not + Main Verb + Object



Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Object?

Not before Main Verb in Negative sentences.

Example: Do you know his name?


Wh + Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb + Object?

Wh – Wh family words.

Not before main verb

Example: Why do you not play well?


Starts with First form of Verb – Come here

Starts with Let – Let me go

Starts with Don’t – Don’t talk in the class



We won the match!


Starts with ‘May’ – Bless or Curse

May god bless you!


The subject of a sentence will Never be in a prepositional phrase.

There is a Subject and Verb on both sides of the Conjunctionand Semicolon.

Direct Object: non-living

Indirect Object: Living

Enrol yourself today with one of the best online learning websites to explore more subjects, online study materials, manage assignments, quizzes and exams.

Posted by: unoreads at 02:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 19, 2021

Importance of Yoga in a Student Life

It is known universally that modern age is the age of stress, tension and anxiety and young generation are the falling prey to depression.

Nowadays most of the students are not leading happy and productive life as they indulge in materialism that simply aggravates the already existing problems in their lives.

As a student you have exams to prepare, thinking about job, financial stress, family responsibilities and a demanding social atmosphere, as a result you sink into undesirable academic and personal problems making you feel lost. This feeling of loneliness creates an imbalance in your life therefore, you do not get peace anywhere and feel upset for not being able to perform even simple task.

Types of Stress

Stress can be either short term or long term. Short term stress can direct us to raise our score, polish our skills better than others and even encourage us to pursue coveted opportunities. It motivates us to break the barriers and do better than others.

However, prolonged stress i.e. Long term stressbecomes troublesome if it starts digging your mind and goes unchecked. This stress can make a student lose his self-confidence and further push him into a dark phase.

At this junction stress relieving activity is significant for someone going through academic stress. You can get rid of stress- related problems by practicing yoga and taking mindful pause which is like rest button.

Yoga from ages has been known to be great antidote to stress – relief and adding confidence. Many students find that yoga helps them in controlling emotional imbalance, stress and builds ability to cop up with the frustrating situations.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is more than just stretching, physical postures or closing eyes. It is a unique workout for body and intellectual mind. Yoga can be helpful in both memorizing and learning g capacity by counteracting stress and promoting willpower.

  1. Reduce mental tension – Yoga can help in reducing tension. It is well- known fact that most of the students remains under stress and tension. Medication practices like Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyan plays a vital role for restoring peace of mind. Makarasana, Shavasana, Suptasana and Bhujangasana Are beneficial for releasing stress. It helps in improving your memory and decline in dementia.
  2. Healthy body – "health is wealth” everyone in this universe wants to have a healthy body. By doing yogic asanas you will get rid of many health problems and stay fit. It will boost your metabolism, digestion and contribute to fat burning.
  3. Improves sleep quality – Poor sleep pattern gives birth to various diseases and disorders. Students perform multiple activities in their day to day life and due to this workload sleep can be affected. Therefore, by adopting yoga you will have better sleep pattern.
  4. Increases flexibility – flexibility is important for every person. It makes the body movement affective and graceful. Regular yoga practice can keep the lower back pain at bay and you can devote increased number of hours for studies without any worry. Yagasanas like Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana are beneficial in increasing flexibility of muscles.
  5. Provides relaxation – Rest and relaxation is important to remove fatigue. Students are indulged in physical & mental work throughout the day. Hence, they need rest by doing Shavasana, Makarasana they can relax themselves. Padmasana and Nadam Sadhana are good for reducing mental fatigue.
  6. Spiritual development – Through yoga we can attain spiritual development. By doing regular yogic exercise we can have good control over our mind. Padmasana, Pranayama and Siddhasana are best suited for this as they enhance meditation power and peace in life.
  7. Eradicates obesity – Obesity is a worldwide problem. Obese people fall prey to various diseases. Yogic exercises like Pranayama and meditative asanas reduce obesity. These asanas can reduce mental tension which causes obesity.
  8. Improves health – Yoga helps in maintaining and improving health by making our muscles strong, reenergizing and regulating other system of the body such as respiration, excretory, circulatory, nervous and glandular systems. It increases the efficiency of the body and thus improves health.
  9. Enhancing ethical values – by practicing Yama and Niyama such as non- violence, truthfulness, non- stealing, Swadhyaya , Santosh makes an individual strong more morally and ethically.
  10. Yoga can be easily performed –In present day life; everybody seems to be in a hurry. Lives become fast. Every individual complains of shortage time. All the yogic exercise can be performed easily. These exercises can be done in a short duration and are not expensive. Moreover, these exercises can be performed in less space.

How to Include Yoga in Your Routine?

The best part about Yoga is that you do not have to make any preparations in advance.

Either in the morning or in the evening you can reap the benefits of the Yoga. Interestingly, if you are feeling tired between your studies, and then also you can give yourself yoga break of 5-10 mins and revitalize your body.

However, if you are a beginner and have resolved to incorporate Yoga in daily life then you need to read below:

  • Before starting Yoga postures, it is recommended to do some stretching first. This warms up the body.
  • Initially, you need to perform Yoga for 30-45 minutes to see its results.
  • Start with easy postures first, like Suryanamaskar and then gradually include the difficult postures.
  • A certified trainer is duly recommended.
  • The most crucial aspect of yoga is continuity so; you need to be consistent enough to follow routine.
  • Adding yoga to your morning routine can be beneficial as when you return back you might not feel like exercising.
  • It is very easy to learn and you do not need to spend money on buying expensive membership of gym to maintain fitness.

Yoga will help to improve your strength, concentration and flexibility.

Simply adding a few poses to your normal warm up or cool down can gives your mind and body the recovery it needs.

Also, fix a time which is suitable for you and time you can stick with, so that exercise become habit.


  1. Dress comfortably
  2. Eat light before yoga
  3. Hydrate your body
  4. Try to relax
  5. Be regular to maximize return
  6. Smile to take you through miles
  7. Push your boundaries
  8. Don’t compare yourself with others
  9. Visualize
  10. Practice

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that is a significant for mankind especially in present- day life. An individual can attain perfect health and can lead a happy, contented, exhilarated and productive life, if he performs yogic exerciseregularly.

Now a day’s preparation with different subjectsholds a major weightage in any exam. It has such a limitless syllabus that even when you study it daily, you would not be able to complete it thoroughly. Unoreads is the best Online Learning Platforms for Students to provide different topics like on current affairs, polity, economics, Science, English, Health, History along with general knowledge is an integral part of any government or competitive exams.

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Details About the CULEE Exam 2021

About the CULEE 2021

Christ University Law Entrance Exam, commonly known as CULEE is conducted to get entrance into the Christ (Deemed to be University) The School of Law.

The BA, LL.B (Honours) at The School of Law, is specially designed with a multi-disciplinary approach to cater to the legal industries’ requirement of litigation, judiciary, academia, policy engagement et cetera.

The School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is granted approval by Bar Council of India.

Eligibility for CULEE 2021

·The age for applying for the CULEE 2021 is 20 years as on 1 July 2021.

·Eligibility for the programme is a pass at the +2 level (Karnataka PUC / ISC / CBSE / NIOS / State Boards) in any stream with minimum of 45% (Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce & Management, and Sciences) from any recognised Board in India.

·Candidates writing the +2 examinations in March-May 2021 may apply with their class X and XI marks.

Students pursuing International curriculum must note that eligibility is according to AIU stipulations:

·Applicants pursuing IB curriculum must have 3 HL and 3 SL with 24 credits.

·Applicants pursuing GCE / Edexcel must have a minimum of 3 A levels with a grade not less than C.

Application Process for CULEE 2021

·Commencement of Application Process: 8 December 2020

·Last Day to Apply: One week before the Scheduled Entrance Exam (Tentative date: 31st May )

·Registration will be Online:

·Documents Required for application process:

·Copy of Mark Sheet of Class 10, Class 11/12

·Passport Size photography (3.5 cm x 4.5 cms) in formal dress with white background. Scan and upload and submit the form.

·Payment of application fee of INR 5000.

·Application Number will be generated and then print your application form.

·If application number is not generated then, refund of the application fee would be started.

·The candidates need to carry the application printout, original documents and a set of photocopies to the selection process on the allotted date, time and venue mentioned on the selection process admit card.

·Original marks cards and ID proof will be verified during the selection process.

Exam Pattern CULEE 2021

The CULEE Exam will be conduct on the following pattern:

Subjects- No. of Questions



General Knowledge-30

Current Affairs-15

Data Analysis & Interpretation-20

Total Marks-120

Negative Marking: There will be negative marking of 0.25

Micro Presentation and Personal Interview

After clearing the CULEE 2021 Entrance Exam, the selected candidates will be called for Micro presentation.

Format of MP: Candidate should be able to talk for 90 seconds on a topic given by the panel.

More information you can get from Government e learning Websites

Posted by: unoreads at 05:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 14, 2021

GK For Competitive Exams in Biology-Transportation in Plants


Plants take water and minerals from the soil through the roots and transport it to the leaves. The leaves prepare food for the plant, using water and carbon-dioxide during photosynthesis.

This process of photosynthesis prepares food for the plant which is necessary for energy to the cells. The cells use this energy to carry out vital activities of life. Therefore, food must be made available to each and every cell.

Thus, a proper system of transportation is required for the transportation of food, water and minerals. This system of transportation includes:

  • Roots
  • Leaves
  • Xylem
  • Phloem

Transport of Water and Minerals

Function of Roots

  • Plants absorb water and minerals by the roots.
  • The roots have root hair.
  • The root hair is in the contact with the water present between the soil particles.
  • The root hair increases the surface area of the root for absorption of water and mineral dissolved in the water or soil.

Vascular Tissue

  • Plants have pipe-like vessels to transport water and nutrients from the soil.
  • The vessels are made of special cells, forming vascular tissue.
  • The vascular tissue for the transport of water and nutrients in the plant is called xylem.
  • The xylem forms a continuous network of channels that connect roots to the leaves through the stem and branches and thus transport water to the entire plant.
  • Leave synthesis the food which has to be transported to all the parts of the plant. This is done by phloem.

Transport of water

  • In xylem tissue, vessels and tracheids of the roots stem and leaves are interconnected to form a continuous system of water-conducting channels reaching all the parts of the plant.
  • At roots, cells in contact of soil actively take up ions. This creates a difference in the concentration of these ions between the root and soil. Water, therefore, moves into the root from the soil to eliminate the difference.
  • This means there is steady movement of water into root xylem, creating a column of water that is steadily pushed upwards.
  • However, this pressure by itself is unlikely to be enough to move water over the heights that we commonly see in plants. Plants use another strategy to move water in the xylem upwards to the highest points of the plant body.

Transpiration and its Benefits

  • When the plant has an adequate supply of water, the water which is lost through the stomata is replaced by water from the xylem vessels in the leaf.
  • That is, evaporation of water molecule from the cells of a leaf creates a suction which pulls water from the xylem cells of roots.
  • The loss of water in the form of vapour from the aerial parts of the plant is known as transpiration.
  • Transpiration helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to the leaves.
  • It also helps in transport of water is more important at night. During the day when the stomata are open, the transpiration pull becomes the major driving force in the movement of water in the xylem.

Transport of Food & other Substances

  • The method of transportation of products of metabolic processes, particularly photosynthesis, from leaves, where they are formed, to other parts of the plant is called translocation.
  • It occurs in phloem of vascular bundle.
  • Besides, the phloem transports amino acids and other substances. These substances are especially delivered to the storage organs of roots, fruits and seeds and to growing organs.
  • The translocation of food and other substances takes place in the sieve tubes with the help of adjacent companion cells both in upward and downward directions.
  • The transportation in phloem requires energy.
  • Materials like sucrose are transferred into phloem tissue using energy from ATP. This increases the osmotic pressure of the tissue causing water to move into it. This pressure moves the material in the phloem to tissues which have less pressure. This allows the phloem to move material according to the plant’s needs.
  • For example, sugar in root or stem tissue would be transported to the buds which need energy to grow.

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September 06, 2021

Important Tips to improve English for competitive exams

English language plays a very determining part in any government exam. If you’re aspiring for any such examination, you need to have a good command over English language.

There are some competitive examinations, where questions are provided in Hindi or Regional languages also, but the fact remains, that there is a separate section in every exam where your knowledge of English is tested. This section carries no option for any other language, so you are kind of stuck in it.

To ease this difficulty, you need to lay down special emphasis over your language preparation so that you don’t lose marks due to lack of knowledge of English. Now, if you’re someone who is not too good at English or is average in studies, you need not to worry. Just follow some tips and keep up the hard work, soon you’ll have the knowledge that you seek. So, let’s get started!

Grammar- Grammar is the main essence of any language and to know a language you must have command over grammar part. The day you realize that you need to prepare for English, the first step you should be doing is, to ace its grammar. To understand the question or to answer the question, you need to know about how sentences are formed and what they mean. Do not directly go for heavy-heavy books of grammar, start with basic school books. Start with learning Part of Speech, Tenses, Narration and Voice. At first learn the rules then try to apply them in practical life. Once you start getting familiar with the rules, focus on things like Modals, Prepositions, Adjectives, Gerund, and Infinitive etc. In a few months, you’ll notice a change in your orientation. You will have knowledge of rules and their application. Then you can try some standard books of grammar such as Wren & Martin orS.P.Bakshi.

Vocabulary- Once you get an idea about the grammar, you must go for Vocabulary. Start with learning the words which you use daily, try to know the name of things that you use daily. Grab any dictionary and try to learn as many new words as you can. But remember to revise and use those words, otherwise you’ll forget them soon. A very good source of learning new words can be newspapers. I would also suggest you to listen to English Songs, Podcasts and videos; they introduce you with new meanings every day. Apart from this, you can search for specific pdfs of Vocabulary for your exam; there are plenty of those available on the internet. A very standard book for Vocabulary is "Word Power Made Easy "by Norman Lewis. This book covers 85% of your vocabulary if you grasp a hold on it. Always prepare Synonyms and Antonyms for every word, some questions are asked on this part also.

Bonus Tips for Vocabulary- Every person has capacity of learning new words. Some find it difficult to retain a lot of words. Here are two things that you can do-

(1) Divide the words in negative or positive tone. For example- Optimistic, Sanguine, Buoyant etc. are words which denote something positive, whereas Acerbic, Scanting, Vicious, Caustic etc. are the words which give negative tone. You can just remember the tone of the word. When such word comes in a passage, you can easily determine whether it is saying something positive or negative.

(2) Try to learn root words, for example- such as ‘Bene’ means good, ‘Bio” means life, ‘Aqua” means water and ‘Mal’ means bad. Whenever any word starts with these root words, you will automatically get the meaning.

Comprehension- In many exams, we see unseen passages and paragraphs for comprehension. You have to read the passage thoroughly and understand what it says. Then the passage is followed by some questions, which you have to answer. In these questions, they can ask you to give general answers or to give the title of the passage or they can ask meaning of some words. To attempt these questions perfectly, you need to practice comprehension daily. Buy any book for practice or check on internet for daily passages. Try to attempt them in as less time as possible. Read the passage thoroughly and then move to the questions. Do not miss the central idea as it helps you to decide the title. Watch English Movies for better understanding of context, it also helps.

Spellings- Do not underestimate spellings in any examination. Sometimes questions are asked to correct the spelling, and the options are very confusing. To attempt such questions, you must memorize the spellings very well. Also, when you write subjective answers, you are judged by your spelling too. Bad spelling makes a bad impression upon the examiner.

Newspapers- A lot of people would have suggested you to start your preparation of English language by reading newspapers. However, I would suggest that one must know the grammar and the vocabulary first, so that when you start a newspaper, you understand it better. As a beginner, start by some light newspapers such asEconomic Times and gradually move towards The Hindu or The Indian Express.Look very carefully at the new words that you find in the newspaper, and learn how to create better sentence structure. Do not read too much in a day, read only that much which you can memorize in a day. Continue this for about 6 months, and you’ll see a drastic change in your English.

Write what you learn- When you learn a new word, or you learn a new way of sentence formation, always make short notes of that thing. Because when we write something, we memorize that thing even better. You can make some flash cards or you can write those words in a notebook. Either way, don’t forget to write them.

Shape your knowledge- Once you learn plenty of words, grammar and rules of English language, it’s time to shape your knowledge. You might be thinking, that ‘How I’ll shape my knowledge”? Well! Recognize the area which requires work and revise the portion which you know the best. For example- if you have good command over grammar, but are weak in vocabulary, give less time to grammar and focus more on vocabulary. Make a routine and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know that how much have you covered and how much is left, you’ll know how to cover those left things. There are many Government e learning Websites from where you can also explore more subjects and important topics from and can start your preparation.

Hopefully this article guides you in some way!

Click here Online Learning Platforms to learn Basics of English.

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